Thursday, October 1, 2009

And you though I was finished

Here are the rules. List ten Honest things about myself and tag 10 other bloggers who I think are honest in their blogging.
Well, I only have two people to tag, and the one that didn't tag me was tagged by Jessica, so you'll just have to live with learning way more about me then you ever wanted to. I'm ok with it.

1. I am perpetually looking for validation. I don't know if I simply didn't get enough encouragement in my formative years, but these days, I always want someone's approval before I stamp something as "finished work". This mostly has to do with my writing. I am at a stage in my life now, where it is the definite only thing I want to do for the rest of my life, and I am constantly wondering if I am actually good enough to make that happen.

2. I have started to wonder if I am destined to live out my life alone. I watch shows like bridezillas and wonder how they found someone, but I can't seem to get the appropriate attention. Then I am led to believe that maybe I am just being stupid and making up reasons why some boys just aren't right for me. Maybe it is simple insecurity. Maybe I'm just expecting too much. Stupid Hollywood, giving me crazy ideas about life and relationships. :p

3. My maturity peaked when I was 15 and started working a full-time job to help support my family. Because of this, I secretly resent my parents for taking away some of my teenage rights of passage. I still wonder what my life would have been like if I had gone to Neumann and graduated from college in 2007 like the rest of my classmates.

4. I am terrified of clowns. This is a resonating fear that some people (who call themselves my friends) like to exploit. I am not ok with that. On top of that, I do not like horror movies. It makes me extremely angry when someone tells me that "they're not that scary". Don't discount my feelings. If I tell you I am afraid of something, I am not lying. Do not simply dismiss what I am telling you and completely invalidate my opinions and beliefs. I don't do it to you.

5. I am the most laid back person I kow (I'm modest too). I can get along with anyone. That is the reason I have lived with Jennifer for two years. I know that she is a difficult person to be around for long period of time, but I know that I can handle it. Unless, maybe I just lack a back bone to stand up to her with and that is why we don't argue. Just kidding, I am excruciatingly passive. I hate confrontation of any kind, and I don't like when people try to argue with me. That being said, I lately have wanted so desperately to pick a fight with Jennifer, that when she talks down to me, I have to fight myself to bite my tongue. I don't like discord, and I hate when my world gets flipped inside-out based on someone else's flippant attitude.

6. I give out second chances like they're going out of style. It is something I credit as a character flaw because it often leads to me compromising rather than facing an issue. But I sometimes wonder why others find it difficult to give second chances more often.

7. It takes a lot to get me mad, but when I do, you don't want to be the target of that anger. I have a lot of years of resentment stored up, and if you are on my bad side, then I will not hesitate to take it out on you. If you make me angry enough, I will hod a grudge, adn that grude will be long lasting. There is not one person that I have forgiven that has angered me enough to get to this point.

8. I am going to give my children all the things that I never had. Mainly, money to pay for their college education. But also, a savings account. Encouragement to follow impossible dreams. Room to grow their starved imaginations. The chance to find their own way in the world without my judgement. I will treat them as my children, not as equals or peers, and they will not know my hardships. They will not know if I am strugling. I will not rob them of their naivete, because I know that is what will keep them from becoming bitter.

9. I live my life in such a way that I am not ashamed of my choices. I am an open book, and anyone who wants to read, can peruse at their leisure. Ask me anything, and I will give you an honest answer, no matter how personal the question. I believe that relationships of any kind need to be built upon foundations of complete honesty. Without revealing ourselves to those around us, how can we expect to ever completely be ourselves?

10. There is not a day that goes by in my life where I do not miss ballet. I danced for 16 years, and for that time, I was never happier then when I had on that leotard and those ridiculous pink leg warmers. If my life had been different, I would have been one of those girls at Juliard. I would have kept that passion and maybe opened my own ballet studio. I want my little girls to know the joy that I felt when I put on those little pink slippers and sidled up to the barre.

Nice wig Janice, what's it made of?

The last time I blogged, I may or may not have stretched the truth a little. I'm not going to update with my Greece journal... it would just be a futile endeavor on my part in an attempt to keep those memories relevant. Which would, in turn make them less memory-like, and more, living in the past. So, in order to keep those memories in a pleasant place in my mind, I owuld like to move on to newer, fresher stories.

This past weekend, I went camping. (see, much more relevant). Spaghettifest was a delightful experience filled with many firsts on my part. I also spent the weekend with some of my favorite people, and some that I don't know well enough yet to include them in that category. But none of my least favorite people were there, so that was a nice bonus.

*Jump to the future*
Ok, not far in the future, but next week I am going to New York to visit Jonah, who has lived there for a while, and Lindsay who moved there on Tuesday. I am beyond stoked. SInce this is potentially where my remaining years of college will be spent, I am dying to check it out and get a feel for it. The only problem facing me is this: what if I like it too much? I might not get in. It will make my decision between Emerson and NYU that much harder. I won't want to leave. There are too many "WHAT IF's?"

And now, because I can, and because I am stalking Kathryn and Jessica's blogs (it helps that you are my only friends on here). I have decided to make a super long post and steal some things from the two of them.

I am making mthese lists because I like telling people what I like - it makes me smile from the inside out.

Things I like:
- October, it's magical and beautiful, and smells delightful, and leads into all my favorite holidays
- Spending weekends holed up in tents with old friends and new friends and even some strangers
- Forgetting that there is a real world out there
- Bubble baths
- Curling up with a book on a lazy, rainy day
- Hugs
- Laughter
- Weddings
- Creating traditions and making them last
- Scrapbooks filled with memories
- Travelling
- Snowstorms
- Being in college
- Dancing
- Live music, especially when my friends are providing it and I can see how happy they are
- Buying new shoes
- Feeling a sense of purpose when I think about my life/future
- Trashy Soap Operas
- My mother's homemade chicken noodle soup
- Hectic holidays spent with family
- Road trips
- Close-knit groups of friends (think Ya-Ya Sisterhood type close)
- Thunderstorms
- Toasted everything bagels
- Spending hours in Barnes and Noble making fun of books with Jonah and never buying anything
- Apple cider
- Feeling worthy
- The fact that I genuienly care about almost every single person that I meet
- Playing the Sims all day long and ignoring reality
- Writing
- Glee/ Heroes/ Gossip Girl/ One Tree Hill/ The Vampire Diaries
- Sci-Fi/Fantasy movies and books
- When my older brother deems me cool enough to talk to

Things I don't like:
- Hypocrisy
- Secrets
- Bugs
- Liars
- Fame whores
- Working harder than others only to receive less praise
- My parents' divorce
- People that tailgate
- Flakes (people, not the corn type)
- Explaining jokes
- Really hot days
- Mushrooms, onions, olives, beets, anchovies, fish in general
- Getting too attached to people who let me down
- When Prokchop looks at me like he's going to kill me
- People who complain incessantly
- Disrespecting my work ethic
- Calling me a liar

Hmm, more likes than dislikes, I can appreciate that

And second stolen item:
1. Where is your cell phone? computer stand
2. Your hair? down and straight for once
3. Your mother? it's complicated
4. Your father? his birthday is today
5. Your favorite food? mac and cheese!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
6. Your dream last night? I got a new tattoo and woke up desperatly wanting it to be true
7. Your favorite drink? Hop, Skip and Go Naked
8. Your dream/goal? own a houseboat
9. What room are you in? cubicle
10. Your hobby? drinking? j/k writing
11. Your fear? clowns
12. Where do you want to be in 6 years? done with school, successful, married (asking too much)
13. Where were you last night? home
14. Something that you aren’t? motivated
15. Muffins? chocolate chip
16. Wish list item? money for college
17. Where did you grow up? a few places
18. Last thing you did? copied and pasted this survey
19. What are you wearing? layers
20. Your TV? belongs to my roommate
21. Your pets? Porkchop and Teakwood
22. Friends? are my reason for waking up every morning
23. Your life? getting better every day
24. Your mood? ennui
25. Missing someone? lots
26. Vehicle? bonnie the bonneville
27. Something you’re not wearing? a burka
28. Your favorite store? Staples (no, really)
29. Your favorite color? green
30. When was the last time you laughed? last night?
31. Last time you cried? last week
32. Your best friend? fantastic
33. One place that I go to over and over? Johnny Pog shows
34. One person who emails me regularly? Katty Shaffe!
35. Favorite place to eat? Magiano's

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Their Eyes Were Watching Blog

Hear Ye! Hear Ye!

I am going to start updating this. I know, shocker since I am not actually travelling, or a barista anymore. However, I think it would be beneficial to me and you to have this. Because let's face it, I am fascinating, and everyone should want to read more about me. And I have a ginormous ego.

That being said, I am thinking of posting all of my journal entries from Greece on here, just so we can pretend like I blogged while abroad...

For now though, I must actually do some work.


Sunday, June 21, 2009

So, as it turns out, my computer probably will not survive a trip overseas. So, I think it is best to leave my laptop in the States. Luckily, the group as a whole has a blog that you can follow!

I'm sorry to lead you astray, but at least there is a way you can track us!

See you in two weeks!

Friday, June 19, 2009

Trip Itinerary

There have been a few requests for my itinerary, so I have copied and pasted it below. This way, everyone knows where I am at all times and my chances of needing a code word fro kidnapping are much less. Enjoy!

Daily Itinerary

John Tyler Community College Study Abroad in Greece

Monday, 22 June 2009: depart US on overnight flights to Athens:

Be at Richmond International Airport at check-in NO LATER THAN 9:00 AM!! Make sure you have carefully read and followed the TSA guidelines for carry-on bags and the 3-3-1 rule!!
depart 10:40 AM, arrive 11:59 AM
JFK-ATH; depart 3:50 PM, arrive 8:55 AM (local time in Athens, Tuesday, 23 June Athens time is SEVEN HOURS ahead of Eastern Daylight Time [EDT+7])

Tuesday, 23 June 2009: arrive Athens. Group walk to see changing of
guards at Syntagma Square; after quick lunch at student expense nearby, group walk/tram to top
of Lycobettos Hill. Check into hotel in PM; special group dinner/celebration introducing Greek
cuisine and overnight in Athens.

Wednesday, 24 June 2009: breakfast at hotel; depart on foot 9 AM for walk to Agora, tour of site
and Agora Museum, walk up to Areopagus Hill and visits to Acropolis and Acropolis Museum.
Lunch at student expense. Afternoon visit to Kerameikos and Museum. Students free to arrange
dinner on their own. Overnight in Athens.

Thursday, 25 June 2009: breakfast and check out of hotel for 9 AM departure by bus to Delphi.
Tour of site and museum. Lunch at student expense in museum café. Mid afternoon bus
departure to Olympia via Patras. Check in at Hotel and group dinner at hotel.

Friday, 26 June 2009: breakfast and check out of hotel; 9 AM walk or bus ride to Ancient Olympia, tour of site and museum. Lunch at student expense in town, early afternoon bus departure to Bassae and
Temple of Apollo, then to Paralio Astros. late group dinner at Taverna Mouragio in Paralio Astros.

Saturday, 27 June 2009: Breakfast at hotel and morning for leisure or course activities.
Midmorning departure by bus to Tolo, lunch on students’ own. Board ship for cruise to Hydra. Shopping and dinner on own. Evening fireworks show and festival in honor of 1821 uprising by islanders against Turkish rule. Evening departure for return to Tolo, bus back to PA, overnight in PA hotel.

Sunday, 28 June 2009: breakfast at hotel. 9 AM bus departure for drive to Nafplio, visits to
Archeological Museum and Peloponnesian Folk Life Museums. Lunch on your own in Nafplio.
Early afternoon bus drive to Palamides castle and tour of site. Students may ride back to Nafplio
town or walk down steps from castle. Afternoon shopping in Nafplio, possible boat trip to Bourtzi
Fort. Late afternoon return to PA with dinner on your own. Overnight in PA.

Monday, 29 June 2009: breakfast at hotel. 9 AM bus departure for tours of Tiryns and Nemea
and Nemea museum. Bus to Mykines town and lunch on your own. Early afternoon bus to
Ancient Mycenae for tour of site, museum and Treasury of Atreus. Late afternoon return to PA
for swimming and dinner on your own. Overnight in PA.

Tuesday, 30 June 2009: breakfast at hotel. 9 AM bus departure for Epidaurus to visit theater,
museum and shrine of Asclepius. Picnic lunch provided at Epidaurus. Afternoon bus to Nafplio
for shopping and relaxation then bus to PA. Dinner on own in Nafplio or Paralio Astros. Overnight

Wednesday, 1 July 2009: breakfast at hotel. 9 AM bus departure for Corinth. Morning tour of
Corinth and museum. Lunch on own in Corinth town. Early afternoon bus ride to Acrocorinth and
self-tour of site. Return by bus to PA. Group dinner at Taverna Lagoudera in Paralio Astros.

Thursday, 2 July 2009: breakfast at hotel and check out. 9 AM departure; stop for snack and a
look at Corinth canal, then to Eleusis and tour of site and museum. Lunch on own in Eleusis
town, then early afternoon bus departure to Athens, Hotel check in and dinner on your own.

Friday, 3 July 2009: Morning free to shop or visit a museum or site on your own. Lunch on your
own. Mid afternoon departure by bus to Shrine of Artemis at Brauron and then on to Sounion and Temple of Poseidon. Tour of site until near sundown. Bus back to Athens, with stop for group seafood dinner at Taverna Acrogiali, seaside restaurant along Attic coast. Overnight in Athens.

Saturday, 4 July 2009: Breakfast at hotel; 9 AM walk to National Archeological Museum. Lunch
on your own and afternoon free to shop or visit other sites or museums. Dinner on your own and
overnight in Athens.

Sunday, 5 July 2009: final day in Athens. Morning for leisure, shopping, etc. 11 AM full-dress
ceremony of changing of guards at Syntagma Square, with military bands and parade. Lunch on
your own. Afternoon by Metro and tram to Piraeus and visit to Archeological Museum. After
museum visit, afternoon free for shopping, packing, etc. Group farewell dinner with music and folk dancing at Taverna Kalokerinos in Athens and overnight.

Monday, 6 July 2009: early breakfast and check out of hotel; bus to airport and flight home to
U.S. Arrival in Richmond 8:33 PM.

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Normal is the Watchword

So, my father had me come up with a code word in case I get kidnapped. And someone came up and told me to watch my back because of that Liam Neeson movie, Taken.

Does anyone have faith that I will avoid abduction while in a foreign country? If anything, the gypsies will attack me and steal my gold. But in all seriousness, I would like for everyone to know that I am going to be a cautious, observant, not-so-obvious tourist. I will stay in a group, and I will have my Eurotrip necklace on for all of my important documents (which I will have copies made of and distributed to trustworthy fellows); those of you who have seen Eurotrip (me'scuzi) know what I'm talking about. Otherwise, I have an idea of what I am getting myself into, and have no plans at this time to be ransomed for American citizenship. However, if I do happen to fall in love with a man named Stavros, I will marry him and stay in Greece. Just a head's up.

Have no fear faithful followers (alliteration makes me smile, be warned)... I will think before I act, look before I cross the streets, and run away before the gypsies get me.

*this message is not meant to reflect a negative opinion on gypsies. i apologize to those of gypsy descent whom i may have offended*

Pre-Trip jitters

As the trip looms closer (5 1/2 days!) I am starting to get a little nervous. I love that Kathryn is reading over my shoulder right now - it's just spoiling it for your later perusal. I'm hoping to update this as much as possible while I am in Greece (and then once I decide where I am going next). Hopefully, you enjoy my musings and whatever pictures I find myself posting.

I'm keeping it short for now, catch you on the flip side!